Same and Different Visual Discrimination Worksheets
These Same and Different worksheets teach students to distinguish between similar items and help them build strong visual discrimination skills. This is important because it plays a key role in learning to read. Children must be able to distinguish between similar letters and words to be successful readers.
Each worksheet requires students to look at sets of four items and determine which one is different from the others. The worksheets get progressively harder. You can work through them from beginning to end, or assign specific pages to students based on their ability level.
Students will distinguish between:
common objects
common objects that are visually similar
upper case letters
upper case letters that are visually similar
lower case letters
lower case letters that are visually similar
numbers that are visually similar
directional arrows
There are two sets of same and different worksheets in this resource:
SET A – Students color the three items in each row that are the same. There will be one item that does not match and should not be colored.
SET B – Students color the one item in each row that is different from the others.
Each set contains 13 worksheets and are very similar. The differences are the instructions (to color either the objects that are the same or the item that is different) and the order in which the pictures appear.
These same and different visual discrimination worksheets are great for preschool and kindergarten pre-readers or special education students.
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